Do you know how to make ice cream in a bag? This delicious summer activity for kids is quick, easy, and FUN! You can whip up a batch of this yummy ice cream in a bag with just 4 ingredients. Not only is this a delicious summer treat, but it is a fun summer activity for preschoolers too! This ice cream in a bag experiment is actually a chance to see a scientific principle – changing states of matter! Simply print our ice cream in a bag science experiment worksheet and you are ready to play and learn with summer science for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th graders too.
How to make ice cream in a bag
This ice cream in a bag experiment is such a delicious summer treat, summer science experiment, and a fun summer activity for kids all at the same time. You will be amazed how simple it is when I show you how to make homemade ice cream in a bag! Our ice cream in a bag recipe usese just a handful of real ingredients you may already have in your kitchen! This yummy ice cream recipe is as fun to make as it is too eat! Then use our ice cream in a bag worksheet to round out your summer experiment to help kids understand what they just learned! You MUST try this ice cream in a bag recipe that is also a states of matter experiment. Use the ice cream in a bag experiment worksheet with kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students. Plus this is a great preschool summer activity to add to your summer bucket list ideas!
Ice cream in a bag science experiment worksheet
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.
how to make homemade ice cream in a bag
All you need to try this easy summer experiment for kids is the free worksheet at the bottom of the post, ziplock bags, and the ingredients: heavy whipping cream, powdered sugar, vanilla extract and optional pureed fruit or cocoa powder.
Ice cream in a bag recipe
- 1 Pint Heavy Whipping Cream (that’s 2 cups)
- 1 TAB powdered sugar (or other sweetener)
- 1 teas vanilla
- 2-3 TAB Pureed Fruit or Cocoa (optional)
- 1 quart ziplock bags
- 1 galloon size ziplock bag
- 1/2 cup rock salt
- 6 cups ice
ice cream in a bag experiment
Start by dumping your ingredients in a quart ziplock bag. Do NOT add the rock salt or ice at this point.
ice cream experiment
Now seal your bag, making sure it is completely sealed at the top or it won’t work!
ice cream science experiment
In a gallon size siplock bag add 6-8 cups of ice and 1/2 cup rock salt.
HINT: You can learn more about why salt changes the freezing point in this salt and ice experiment
Ice cream in a bag for Kids
Ice cream in a bag worksheet
Now put the quart size ice cream bag INSIDE the galloon size ice bag and seal carefully.
HINT: I like to use the bags with a “zipper” as it is easy for kids to ensure the bags are completely sealed!

Printable ice cream in a bag worksheet
Follow the directions on the FREE printable ice cream in a bag experiment worksheet including: make your hypothesis and draw pitures at the bottom of how your ingredients change thorugout this states of matter experiment for summer
Ice cream in a bag experiment worksheet
Now shake the bag for 15 minutes or so. This can be done on your own or with a friend.
Hint: Remember bags can split open if dropped.
How to make ice cream worksheet
Keep shaking until you get your desired consistency (soft serve to firm).
Ice Cream in a Bag Activity
It is ready to serve! YUM!
Ice cream worksheet
Whether you serve it as vanilla ice cream, top it with sprinkles, or try a flavored chocolate or fruit ice cream in a bag – it is delicious and educational at the same time!
Ice cream in a bag science experiment worksheet pdf
When we originally shared this activity with you we just shared the how to with a fun blueberry ice cream spin. But after reader request, we made a free worksheet to go along with the activity to help kids learn about the states of matter with an ice cream in a bag experiment worksheets!
Solid liquid Gas examples for kids
Explore states of matter further with these fun projects:
- Cookie Jar Solid Liquid Gas Worksheet – States of Matter Activity
- Pop Rock States of Matter Experiment (liquid to gas)
- Making Homemade Butter – a states of matter experiment (liquid to solid)
- How to Make Ice Cream in a Bag State of Matter Experiment (liquid to solid)
- 2 Fun, Hands-on Water Cycle Activities – State of Matter Experiment for Kids (liquid to gas)
- Explore density further with this Rainbow in a Jar Density Experiment
- Solid Liquid Gas for Kids with Hands-on Density Experiment
- Water Balloon Density Experiment for Kids
- Bowl of Ice Cream left out (solid to liquid)
Food science experiments for kids
Use items commonly in your kitchen to try these food experiments for kids, but note they are NOT all edible!
- Plastic Milk Experiment with free worksheet
- Exploding Watermelon EPIC project to learn about potential energy
- Kids will be so impressed with this super cool Lemon Volcano
- Kool Aid Rock Candy science experiment you can EAT!
- Learn about the 5 sense for kids with lots of projects including an edible skin model
- This colorful oil and water experiment is super simple, but so FUN
- Volcano Watermelon Experiment – Summer Activity for Preschoolers
- Use jelly beans for this hands-on STEM Easter activity for kids
- Learn how to make frost in a can
- Discover the Archimedes bath tub concept using candy with this simple water displacement experiment
- Try the classic bouncy egg experiment with a twist
- Learn about types of rocks with edible rocks
- Learn about density with this Rainbow in a Jar
- Use chemistry to inflate these balloons with with Pop Rocks Experiment
- This silly dancing raisins experiment always makes kids giggle!
- Kids will love this jelly bean taste test experiment
- Use celery for a hands-on pollution experiment for kids
- This Egg Drop Project STEAM activity is all about protecting the egg
- Magic Milk 4th of July Science
- Make an edible Jello Cell Model
- Use eggs to try these air pressure experiments for kids
- You can’t eat them, but these magic melting snowballs experiment is loads of fun!
- Make your own Peep Experiment
- Try making butter science experiment for science you can EAT
- Whip up a fizzy lemonade science experiment for another fun science project you can taste
- You’ve got to try this pretty, colorful candy skittles experiments
- Or check out over 100 Food Science Experiments
Ice Cream Activities
If you are looking for more ice cream activities to add to your ice cream theme of summer learning, check these out!
- Kids will go nuts over this edible ice cream sand castle summer snack for kids
- AMAZING, Edible ice cream play doh recipe that scoops like ice creaam!
- Ice Cream Themed, Summer Bucket List Ideas
- Color Matching Activity for your Ice Cream Theme
- Simple Ice Cream Coloring Pages pdf
- Fun and EASY How to Make ice cream in a bag science experiment worksheet
- 2 ingredient Gummy Bear Popsicles are so COLORFUL and EASY!
- Try our delicious and EASY How to make homemade ice cream
- TONS of cute Ice Cream Craft Preschool
- EPIC Ice Cream Volcano
- Cute I Spy I spy ice cream
- Ice Cream Handprint Craft for toddler and preschool kids
- Simple Ice Cream craft using washi tape for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners.
- Bubble Wrap and Puffy Paint Ice Cream craft
- Ice Cream Name Craft with free printable template
- Simple, free printable Ice Cream Coloring Pages
Ice Cream Printables
- Work on tracing letter with these free Alphabet ice cream handwriting paper
- Delicious Alphabet Ice Cream alphabet printable Puzzles to help kids practice matching upper and lowercase letters
- Check out these Alphabet Mats for your Ice Cream Theme
- Free printable Alphabet Popsicles matching capital and lowercase letters nad beginning sounds too
- Trace the Letters on the Alphabet Popsicles in this fun letter tracing
- Match the upper and lowercase letter puzzles in this free ice cream game
- Kids will love building their ABCs with these popsicle stick letters free template
- Ice Cream Compound Word Puzzles or this other set of ice cream compound words
- Practice adding Ice Cream scoop endings to words with this word endings worksheets and activity
- Printable Digraph Activities for first grade scooping Ice Cream
- Cut and paste sentences ice cream worksheets
- Popsicle Rhyme and Dab Summer Literacy Activity for Pre-k and Kindergarten
Ice Cream Worksheets
- Ice Cream Scoop Pattern Activity
- Make practicing math fun with these fun Ice Cream Worksheets
- Count to 10 free printable ice cream counting printable math craft
- Popsicle counting – free printable number sense puzzles
- Number Popsicles – count to 10 clip cards are a fun
- Scoop pom-pom ice cream and count 1-10 with this ice cream counting printable
- Ice Cream Worksheets Preschool – count and trace to ten
- Count to 20 as you build with your free printable ice cream sundae template
- Ice Cream Math Game Book Based Activity for Kindergartners
- Practice completing patterns with this FUN ice cream pattern printable and activity for kids
- Hands-on Addition with this Ice Cream Math task cards using playdough!
- Free Printable Ice Cream Playdough Mats to learn shapes
- Popsicle Shape Sorting Printable Free
Ice Cream Math
Looking for more fun ways to learn this summer with popsicle themed activities? You will love these free printables:
- Free Printable Ice Cream Math Worksheets
- Practice adding to 1o with this cute Make 10 Ice Cream Cut and Paste Activity
- Popsicle Division Puzzles with printable popsicle puzzles makes practicing math FUN
- Or scoop a sunday with this Place Value Ice Cream for grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students
- Free Printable Place Value Ice Cream Cone
Printable ice cream in a bag science experiment worksheet
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- This set is for personal and classroom use only.
- This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
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- All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.