I love doing fun seasonal science experients to get kids excited about exploring the world around them. This turkey science experiment combines growing your own crystals with hands-on turkey activities for November. Try this thanksgiving activity for kids from toddler, preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students with a couple common household items.
Turkey Science
Did you know that making crystals with borax is actually really EASY! It only takes a couple simple materials and 1 day to grow your own crystals! This fun science project is simple so kids can enjoy the wonder of exploring and trying new things. This borax crystal experiment has a fun twist perfect for fall – turkey crystal science project. This simple turkey science experiment is a great autumn STEAM activity to encourage learning and FUN in November. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – you will want to try this thanksgiving activities with preschoolers, toddlers, kindergartner, grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 students.
Turkey Science Experiment
To make this simple fall science experiment gather up these supplies you may even have on hand already!
- pipe cleaners
- boiling water
- ropte or yarn
- Borax (found with laundry detergent)
- large jar (s)
- popsicle stick and yarn to hang the pipe cleaners
- construction paper
- pipe cleaners
- scissors and glue
Thanksgiving Science Experiment
You will start by twisting pipe cleaners to make feathers. I folded in half and then twisted beginning 2/3rds of the way down.
November Science Experiment
Twist the rest of the pipe cleaner. Repeat unti you have several different colored feathers.
Fall Science Experiment
Attach string to the tiwsted part of the pipe cleaner on one side and a craft stick on the other.
Turkey Activities
Hang each feather over the mason jar with the popsicle stick. Now boil 3 cups of water in the microwave or in a saucepan. Add to 9 Tablespoons Borax (found with laundry detergent) to the water and stir until dissolved. Pour the HOT mixture into a jar that is large enough to fit the pipe cleaner (you will need a container for each). Repeat as needed to fill your containers
Now leave the borax crystal rainbow undisturbed for 24 hours.
November Activities
Can you see all the borax crystals that have formed! Now carefully pull out the pretty borax crystals that have formed. Be careful not to disrupt the crystals that have grown on the pipe cleaners.
Thanksgiving Activities
Now make a construction paper turkey with brown circles for body, orange feet and beak, red wattle, and google eyes.
Autumn Activities
Building your own rainbow is a fun STEAM activity. That means this activity combines science, engineering, and art for a truly educational and FUN learning activity! So how does the science part work? You will be making a saturated soluiotn – it means the solution (water) is filled with as much powder (borax) as it can hold. The hotter the water the more of the solution can be completely mixed in and dissolved. Hot water makes the moecules move away from one another so the borax can join the party LOL. Cold water means close together molicules that don’t have room to absorb as much borax. The particles (borax) will settle on the pipe cleaners as it cools and pulls back out of the water forming crystals.
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