Make learning to skip count FUN with these free skip counting printables! Start with our skip counting chart and skip counting posters pdf for reference. Then grab one of our free, no-prep skip counting worksheets for elementary age students! Finally, use on of our skip counting activities or skip counting games to practice and reinforce counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s, and 15s. Simply print and you are ready to play and learn with kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students.
Skip Counting
Once children have mastered counting by ones, they are introducted to skip counting – that is counting by 2s, counting by 5s, counting by 10s, and so on. Not only is this helpful for children to count faster, but it allows kids to work on manipluating numbers into groups and to set a foundation for multiplication and other higher math. This skill is typically taught beginning with Kindergartners as and kids learn to count by 2, count by 5, and count by 10. Then grade 1 will count by 3 and count by 4. Finally grade 2 will learn to count by 6, count by 7, count by 8, and count by 9. Elementary age students will continue reviewing until they are introduced to multiplication in grade 3 or grade 4.

Skip counting chart
First, I suggest printing off a visual skip counting chart to help kids begin. These skip counting printables are handy reference tools and great for students working on memory work with songs in classical conversations, or memorization in general.
- Grab these free printable Skip Counting Charts for a great refereference tool for learning to count 1s-15s!
- These handy skip counting posters are playful and engaging! Counting by 1s-12s
- Skip counting anchor chart – visual for kids just starting out to understand how to hop over numbers to count faster!
Skip Counting Worksheets
An easy way to practice skip counting is with free skip counting worksheets! These skip counting worksheet pages include skip counting by 2s, 3s 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s, and 15s!
- Fruit Skip Counting Dot-to-Dot
- Clever skip counting mazes are worksheets for kids to navigate as they count by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 7s, 8s, 9s, 10s
- Traditional skip counting worksheets are handy for learning and reviewing this foundational skill!
- Cute clipart and a streamlined look make these skip counting worksheets a great tool for learning! Plus there are multiple pages for each set in increasing difficulty to grow with your student
Skip Counting Activities
- Under the Sea Skip Counting Dot to Dot Worksheets
- Free pritnable skip couting chart to fill in – repitition is key to memorizing skip counting from 1-15
- Another way to think of skip counting is multiples! These Star Wars Multiples Worksheet allow kids to practice as they use bingo markers!
- Free Polar Animals Skip Counting Worksheets
- Connect the Dots Constellations Worksheets to practice skip counting!
- Cute Fall math worksheets working on skip count fluency (I like to put mine in a page protector to make it reusable!)
Skip Counting Games
Use a fun skip counting game to make practicing fun!
- Free printable Skip Counting Games – colorful board game
- Bee Counting Game – skip counting by 2, 5, and 10
- Head on the Oregon Trail on this historically inspired skip counting game
- Spring Skip Counting Game for kindergartners working to count by 2s, 3s, and 5s
Skip Counting for Kids
Use an engaging skip counting activity to make learning to skip count easy and fun!
- Turkey Dab with Skip Counting by 10s Worksheet
- Hands-on skip counting lacing plates are a fun, reusable, and self-correcting skip counting activity!
- Skip Counting Puzzles – Use one of 50 free printable skip counting puzzles to learn to count by 2s-10s (summer skip counting puzzles printable free, free christmas skip counting puzzles, famous landmarks skip counting puzzles, world skip counting puzzles printable free, winter skip counting puzzles
- Pumpkin seed math skip counting activity perfect for October
- Grab this number train printable to work on skip counting
- Missing Number Activity – clip the missing number skip counting activity
- Skip Counting Clip Cards – Skip Counting in 2s clip and write free printable activity, these bunny skip counting games clip cards, monster clip cards counting by 4s, cute Christmas math skip counting clip cards
- Use dot markers to count by 3s in this Halloween skip counting activity
- Penguin skip counting strips
Skip Counting Activity
- Stack them up, count them up Smores skip counting Activities
- Sundae Skip Counting Activities
- Christmas Skip Counting with free printable activity
- Kite Skip Counting Craft makes it fun to practice math in the spring and summer!
- Hands-on skip counting activities – practice with popsicle sticks and grouping
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