April 26, 2023
Flower Rhyming Words Worksheets

Flower Rhyming Words Worksheets


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Kids will have fun practicing rhyming with this flower rhyming words activity. This FREE  printable flowers rhyming words is perfect for kindergarten and first grade students. Simply download pdf file with rhyming worksheets and you are ready to play and learn with this words that rhyme with flower

Kids will have fun practicing rhyming with this flower rhyming words activity. This FREE  printable flowers rhyming words is perfect for kindergarten and first grade students. Simply download pdf file with rhyming worksheets and you are ready to play and learn with this words that rhyme with flower 

Flower rhyming words

I remember when my daughter was first taught the idea of rhyming. She grasp the concept but would make up words to fit the rhyme. For instance, she would say cat, mat, zat. The cat and mat rhyme and technically zat does rhyme with cat, if it were a real word. So we started doing rhyming activities, much like this Rhyme Time Flower, so that she could learn rhymes without losing the aspect of real words.

Flowers rhyming words

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> Download <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

Flower Rhyming Words Worksheets

Words that rhyme with flower

Rhyme Time Flowers is the perfect activity for rhyming because it helps kids explore rhyming words one word at a time. Each flower has a different core word and each petal has a different word that rhymes with the core word. This is especially beneficial for kids because it is one step at a time. They only have to fill in one petal at a time, so it will help them slow down and think about the words themselves.
At the same time, it doesn’t take away from the excitement of rhyming. Rhyming is fun. It is sort of like a game that is learning and basically only words.


Rhyming WOrksheets 

This rhyming activity is extremely simple. There are two options, the first is a blank Rhyme Time Flower sheet. On this you can choose your own word for the child to rhyme. Once you have written the word on the line, the child can write rhyming words in the flower petals. Some words may not have enough rhyming words to fill the flower, but that is okay.
The second option is the predetermined words. I chose 14 words and typed them on the line. This way you can hand the sheets to the child and they can work on those words. I would ask them to follow the same process of writing the rhyming words in the flower petals. Again, some words may not have enough rhyming words to fill all of the petals.
Rhyme Time Flowers

Rhyming words worksheet

When the rhyming words are all filled into the petals, if the child would like to continue with these printables, they can color the petals and draw more flowers around on the blank spaces of the page.


Rhyming Activities

Looking for more practice rhyming? Practice does make perfect as the saying goes. We have lots free rhyming printables to help your children get lots of practice – from puzzles, matching activities, worksheets, games, activities and more. Plus don’t miss these rhyming books for kindergarten.

Flower Activities

Flower Rhyming Words Worksheets

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> Flower Rhyming Words Worksheets <<

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