November 12, 2022
Unicorn Writing Prompts

Unicorn Writing Prompts


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Many children experience difficulty during writing lessons. They often express an inability to come up with material or a frustration with spelling or grammar mistakes. Writing is a process that involves thinking up a concept, spelling and grammar skills. Taking the process bit by bit while offering a fun topic can encourage the writing process.

FREE Unicorn Writing Prompts - make practicing writing fun with these free printable creative writing prompts; perfect for practice writing for kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade kids.

Tips to Encourage Writing in Young Children

  • Allow for free writing. Free Writing is a process where the child writes without the pressure of considering or correcting spelling or grammar mistakes.
  • Vocabulary brainstorming. Get out a whiteboard or just a notebook and sit down with your child and create a word bank for the topic selected to write about.
  • Active reading. Reading is a wonderful way to introduce your child to sentence structure and text flow. As you read with your child have him pick out adjectives, verbs, and take notice of punctuation. In addition, point out how thoughts are express and ask your child to use different words to express the same meaning.
  • Have your child narrate while you dictate. Read a short story and ask your child to retell it to you. You may also ask your child to retell a fairy tale. This process helps your child put his thoughts in order. While your child is narrating, you will be writing down each word exactly as expressed. Once the child is finished, show your child what you have written. No need to correct it the first few times. The point is for your child to see his words on paper. You can encourage narration with Making Narration Fun.
  • Pick topics your child is interested in or knows about. It is always easier to write what you know and that is especially true of children. Picking a topic your child feels comfortable in will aid in relieving the stress of writing.
  • Writing prompts. A blank page is intimidating. Proving writing prompts can get the creative juices flowing. Humor is a great motivator so you may want to check out Funny Writing Prompts.

FREE Unicorn Writing Prompts

creative writing prompts


Magical Unicorn Writing Prompts to Teach Writing

If you need a magical way to encourage writing then download Magical Unicorn Writing Prompts. The download sparks a child’s imagination while guiding the writing process through a writing prompt and having the child first write thoughts on what happens first, next, and last. Finally, your child can write a story of choice on unicorn writing sheets. You know what they say, “remember to always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn then be a unicorn.”

Take a peak at all our FREE creative writing prompts for elementary age kids!

Free Writing Prompts

Looking for more fun, creative ways you can begin homeschooling for free? See more of our second grade worksheets plus our history lesson plans, free math games, english worksheets, sight words activities, alphabet worksheets, and cvc word games for kids of all ages!

In addition, don’t miss our disney world tips and  kids activities filled with ideas for every holiday and season of the year!

Unicorn Theme

writing ideas

FREE Unicorn Writing Prompts

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.

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