April 18, 2023
FREE Printable Roll and Cover CVC Words Game

FREE Printable Roll and Cover CVC Words Game


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Looking for a fun and easy CVC Words Game for kindergarten and first graders? Grab this CVC games printable and some dice to roll, cover, and read with this fun activity! Simply print the CVC Games and you are ready to play and learn!

Looking for a fun and easy CVC Words Game for kindergarten and first graders? Grab this CVC games printable and some dice to roll, cover, and read with this fun activity! Simply print the CVC Games and you are ready to play and learn!

CVC Words Game

Learning CVC words is an important step in the reading development of young children. By mastering these basic building blocks of the English language, children are setting themselves up for success as they progress to more complex words and texts. CVC words are made up of only three letters, which makes them easy for young children to sound out and read. They also tend to be phonetically regular, meaning that the sounds of the letters in the word match the expected pronunciation. This makes them ideal for children who are just starting to learn the basics of reading.

CVC games printable

Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the template.

CVC Games

Print out the Roll and Cover CVC Printable Activity Pack includes three pages of roll and cover activity based on CVC words

Your child will roll a die. Match the what is on the die to the die on the page to know which short vowel you are looking for. Find a picture on the page that matches the short vowel the die indicates. If the child rolls a six that is a wild roll and he can color or cross off any image he wants.

Supplies needed: crayons and dice

Looking for a fun and easy CVC Words Game for kindergarten and first graders? Grab this CVC games printable and some dice to roll, cover, and read with this fun activity! Simply print the CVC Games and you are ready to play and learn!

CVC games online

Tips for Using the Roll and Cover CVC Printable Activity:

  1. Make this a game by having two children or yourself play. The first person to cover a row wins!
  2. Use this as a spelling activity. Have your child spell the word before he is allowed to color or cover it.
  3. Print out two of the same page and cut out the squares. Use this as a memory game.
  4. Cut out the squares of each image and write the words on index cards. Have your child match the words and the images.


CVC Words Activities

Looking for a fun and easy CVC Words Game for kindergarten and first graders? Grab this CVC games printable and some dice to roll, cover, and read with this fun activity! Simply print the CVC Games and you are ready to play and learn!

CVC word games free printable

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
> Roll & Cover CVC Words Game <<

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