April 18, 2023
Montessori Ocean Animals Activities for Preschoolers (FREE!)

Montessori Ocean Animals Activities for Preschoolers (FREE!)


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Grab this pack of free printable images for fun, hands-on ocean animals activities. These sea animal activities are perfect for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age kids. The Montessori ocean unit has animal photo matching, color activities, starfish counting, shell alphabet practice, sea-quence, big or small, and water or land sorting.

Grab this pack of free printable images for fun, hands-on ocean animals activities. These sea animal activities are perfect for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten age kids. The Montessori ocean unit has animal photo matching, color activities, starfish counting, shell alphabet practice, sea-quence, big or small, and water or land sorting.

Ocean Animals Activities

The Montessori homeschool method is an educational approach that emphasizes child-centered learning, hands-on exploration, and individualized instruction. This method is designed to help children develop a love of learning and to cultivate their natural curiosity and creativity. These principles are the center of the printable pack; Ocean Animals Montessori Activities. This printable pack has lots of educational ocean animals activities for preschoolers and kindergartners too.


Ocean Animals Activities for Preschoolers Montessori ocean unit

Ocean Animals Activities for Preschoolers

Print out the Ocean Animals Montessori Activities :

  • Ocean Photo Match: Match a small section of an image to the full image.
  • Ocean Colors: Organize a gradient of colors into order.
  • Starfish Counting: Identify the missing number and place the card with the missing number in the proper place.
  • Shell Alphabet: Identify the missing letter and place the card with the missing letter in the proper place.
  • Sea-quence: Teach different types of sequences using the ocean animal theme. Cut out the animal cards and create your own sequences.
  • Big or Small: Cut out the items and have your child sort the big and small items by placing them in the proper jar.
  • Water or Land: Cut out the cards and have your child determine if the animal is a land animal or water animal and place on the appropriate pile.

Sea animal activities

Each section contains a multi-sensory activity designed to engage your child. The packet covers critical thinking, counting, alphabet, sorting and comparisons.

Supplies needed: scissors

Get ready for a Montessori Ocean Unit with this pack of FREE printable ocean animals activities for preschoolers and kindergartners.

Sea animals activities for preschoolers

Tips for Using the Ocean Animals Montessori Activities:

  1. Laminate the items you cut out so they last longer.
  2. Use with multiple children but be sure to print off enough for all students.
  3. Create a game out of some of the activities by racing to complete the activity.
  4. Place items in plastic bags to bring with you to keep little hands busy during times where waiting is necessary.

Ocean Activities

Looking for more ocean activities for kids? You will love these clever, free resources and ideas:

Preschool Printables

Get ready for a Montessori Ocean Unit with this pack of FREE printable ocean animals activities for preschoolers and kindergartners.

Montessori ocean unit

Before you grab your free pack you agree to the following:

  • This set is for personal and classroom use only.
  • This printable set may not be sold, hosted, reproduced, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system.
  • Graphics Purchased and used with permission from
  • All material provided on this blog is copyright protected.
> Ocean Animals Montessori Pack <<

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