Get outdoors with your kids this fall and enjoy the beauty around you as you enjoy this fun, free printable leaf scavenger hunt. This autumn activity is perfect for pre k, kindergarten, first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade students. Children will learn about the different types of leaves and trees around them and the vibrant colors they come in!
Leaf Scavenger Hunt
Sneak in some science this fall with this fun scavenger hunt for kids! Grab the free printable scavenger hunt and let’s head outside to enjoy the beautiful fall feather, gorgeous red, green, orange, and yellow leaves falling down. Explore animals, crunch in leaves, and take a nature hunt as you look for the types of trees on your leaf scavenger hunt. This is such a fun botany activity for kids to learn about the various types of trees with this delightful activity for preschoolers, kindergartners, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4, grade 5, and grade 6 students.
Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschooler – this is a great way to get outside, get some exercise, and learn about science!
Leaf Scavenger Hunt Printable
Start by scrolling to the bottom of the post, under the terms of use, and click on the text link that says >> _____ <<. The pdf file will open in a new window for you to save the freebie and print the page in color. Cut the page in half to make 2 scavenger hunts.
Fall Leaf Scavenger Hunt
There are two scavenger hunt ideas included in this free printable. One of the templates is an option for young children to work on color recognition with a simple color leaf scavenger hunt. Students will look for pretty fall leaves that are brown, green, orange, red, yellow, and multicolored.
Fall Scavenger Hunt Ideas
The other fall scavenger hunt idea helps students learn about the huge variety of leaves around them by helping them to find and identify 7 common trees.
- Aspen Leaf are oval and turn lime green or yellow in the fall. You fan find the Aspen tree by observing the bark of the trunk. The white bark will feel smooth and bear scars where branches have come off. The bark on younger trees will be a silvery-gray or yellowish shade of gray.
- Beech Leaf is dark green and leathery. The leaf shape is round to heart-shaped. The leaves turn golden in the fall. Every few years, a beech tree will make small brown nuts called beech nuts that a lot of small animals enjoy eating.
- Juniper Leaf is an evergreen – meaning the green bristles will always be green, even in cold, snowy weather. Junipers grow well in shallow, rocky soil with their roots often aboveground. Junipers can grow as a low, spreading shrub or as an upright tree.
- Maple Leaf are large with a distinct many-pointed shape. Maples are one of the most beautiful trees in the fall with their brilliant red and orange leaves! Maple trees produce flowers and fruit in the spring. The wood from maple trees is very sturdy and for this reason it is often used to build furniture and even musical instruments!
- Oak Leaf can be yellow, red, orange, or any mix of those colors. The oak tree is sturdy and wide. The tree has a gnarled look, with each of the branches kinked and snaking outwards.
- Pine Leaf is also called pine needles and is always green. Because they always have their leaves they are great for privacy, slowing wind, and protecting animals in the winter. Kids love to connect pine cones that fall the the ground in the fall; these are actually giant seeds!
- Spruce Leaf come from an evergreen tree. The spruce tree has a conical shape and their leaves are also called needles.
Leaf Crafts for Kids
Looking for more fun fall craft projects? Check out these fun ideas:
- Autumn Watercolor Salt Painting Leaf Craft
- Crayon Resist Fall Leaf Art
- EASY Fall Leaf Crafts for Preschoolers
- Stunning Suncatcher Fall Leaves Craft for Preschoolers and Kids
- Lots of Fall Crafts for kids of all ages
- Edible Candy Corn Playdough
Fall Crafts for Kids
- Fall Crafts for Preschoolers
- Printable Hat Fall Craft for Preschool
- Wreath Fall Craft with free printable leaves template
- Fall Leaf Printing Activity for kids with markers
- Cute Cereal Fall Tree Craft for Kids
- Styrofoam Peanut Fall Tree Craft
- 100+ Fall Crafts for Kids
- Kadinsky Inspired Fall Leaf Art Project
Fall Printables
- Scarecrow Printable CVC Word Mats Fall Activities for Kindergarten
- FREE Fall Worksheets for KindergartenÂ
- Printable Scarecrow Pronoun Game
- Scarecrow Worksheets Pack with 50+ pages of math and literacy skills
- Fall Sequencing Cards and Sequencing Worksheets
- Learning Colors Printable Fall Games
- Letter Matching Leaf Printable Activity
- Fall Worksheets Pack with 50+ pages of math and literacy skills
- Fall Theme or Fall Theme Preschool
- Cute Fall Playdough Mats
- Fall Do a Dot Printables
- Color Word Fall Worksheets
- Fall Books for Preschoolers,these fall picture books, or these fall books for kids
- Simple Fall Coloring Pages
Fall Activities for Kindergarten
- Alphabet Fall Printable
- Scarecrow Short O Words Printable
- Fall Sight Words Game
- Alphabet Candy Corn Math Puzzles – Fall Activities for Kindergarten
- Nonsense Words Fall Activities for Kindergarten
- Color by Letter Fall Worksheets
- Squirrel Fall Worksheets for kids
- Cute Fall Worksheets for Preschoolers
- Nature Fall Scavenger Hunt or this Fall Leaf Scavenger Hunt
- Beginning Blends Fall Activity
- Syllable Clip Cards Fall Activity for Kindergarten
- Free Fall Writing Prompts
- Leaf Alphabet Letters Matching Activity
- Color Words Fall Emergent Reader
- Fall Science ideas for kids
- EASY Why do Leaves Change Color Experiment
- Fall I Spy Printable
- September Activities for Kids
Fall Math
- Counting Fall Worksheets for Preschoolers
- Fall Playdough Mats – Counting Leaves
- Skip Counting Fall Math Worksheets
- My Fall Counting Book – Fall Activity for Kindergarten
- Fall Number Words Donut Worksheets
- Fall Counting Book for Pre-K
- Acorn Counting Game
- Acorn Cut and Paste Fall Math Worksheets
- Multiplication Candy Corn Math or Addition/Subtraction Candy Corn Math Puzzles or Candy Corn Fall Math Number Puzzles
- Count and Clip Fall Math Activities for Preschoolers (or this pumpkin set)
- Fall Math Counting Crows Activity
- Addition Fall Worksheets with Stickers (sticker alphabet fall worksheets or number recognition fall worksheets or color recognition fall worksheets)
- Fall Activities sorting pretty leaves by shape
- Printable Fall Number Game for Preschoolers
- Fall Color by Number
- Number Tracing Fall Worksheets
Pumpkin Activities for Kids
- Phonics Printable Pumpkin Activities
- Pumpkin Activities Printable Shape Matching Game
- Parts of a Pumpkin Craft
- Pumpkin kindergarten sight word games online
- Number Bonds Pumpkin Math
- Pumpkin Matching Game
- October Crafts for Kids
- Counting Free Pumpkin Activity Printables
- Candy Count and Trace Pumpkin Activities
- Pumpkin Printables Counting Mats
- Learning Shapes Pumpkin Playdough Mats
- Word Family Pumpkin Activities
- Shape Game – Pumpkin Activities for Preschoolers
- Counting Spider Activities
- Pumpkin Traceable Letters
- Printable Pumpkin Math for Kindergartners
- Letter Find Pumpkin Worksheets
Apple Activities for Kids
- Find the Letter Apple Worksheets
- Number Apple Coloring Pages
- Apple Sight Words Tree
- Apple Browning Experiment with FREE Oxidation Worksheet
- Stunning, Easy Apple Craft for Preschoolers and Kids
- Fun Paper Plate Apple Craft for kids
- Easy Apple Core and torn paper Paper Plate Apple Craft
- Hole-Punching, Count to 20 Apple Activities for Preschoolers – free printable
- Alphbet Puzzles – Apple Activities for Preschoolers
- A is for Apple Printable Book for working on beginning sounds – print in black and white or color
- Skittles Apple Science Experiment for Kids
- Free Printable Apple Experiment Worksheet
- Yellow Fluffy Apple SLime
- Scented Apple Playdough Recipe
- Paper Plate Apple Craft for Preschoolers
Free Printable Scavenger Hunt
Looking for ways to help teach and entertain kids at the same time? You will love these printable scavenger hunts for elementary age kids.
- Zoo Scavenger Hunt – LOTS of choices for younger kids and educational fieldtrip options too
- Printable Flower Scavenger Hunt
- Library Scavenger Hunt – LOTS of options inlcuding search by genre, specific books, resource to get to know your library, using book catalog, and more!
- Reading Scavenger Hunt for the library
- Individual Book Reading Scavenger Hunt
- Nature Walk Scavenger Hunt Activity
- Free Camping Scavenger Hunt for Kids
- Printable Farm Scavenger Hunt for Kids
- Noun Scavenger Hunt
- Learn shapes with this fun, free printable Shape Scavenger Hunt
- Creative Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt
- Camping Scavenger Hunt for Kids
- Scavenger Hunt BINGO
- Free Printable Indoor Scavenger Hunt PDF
- US Bird Scavenger Hunt Printable
- State Flowers for all 50 States Scavenger Hunt
- American State Animals Printable Savenger Hunt
- Over 76 FREE Printable Scavenger Hunts for Kids
Seasonal Scavenger Hunts
- St Patricks Day Scavenger Hunt
- Easter neighborhood easter egg hunt
- Spring Scavenger Hunt – head out and explore your neighborhood or use as a car activity
- Earth Day Scavenger Hunt
- Kids will love this engaging Summer Scavenger Hunt
- Simple Nature Fall Scavenger Hunt
- Fall Leaf Scavenger Hunt for kids – great way to learn about the different type of trees in your area
- Kids Halloween Scavenger Hunt
- Luke 2 Christmas Story scavenger Hunt
- Christmas Christmas Scavenger Hunt – christmas decorations, christmas movie, christmas selfie
- J is for Jesus Candy Cane Scavenger Hunt
FREE Fall Leaf Scavenger Hunt
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>> Fall Scavenger Hunt <<
I have tried a number of times to access the leaf activities without luck. The link refers me to “Kindergarten worksheets and games.” The message reads that I am lost. Any ideas what I can do?
Sorry, there are a couple activities linked early for this week. They will be out SOON =)
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